CMA TotalMan

Hello Lovely,

Welcome to CMA TotalMan blog. Here, you are right about to receive mind boggling insight, education, entertainment and spiritual up-bringing in all areas of your life.

We, of CMA TotalMan, have a creative concept of the TOTAL MAN and his standards. The Total Man (Male & Female) is one of a successful Spiritual, Business, Healthy, Educational, Relational and/or Nuptial and a Socially Impactful life and Legacy. It is our ultimate desire that each one becomes exactly what and who God has purposed him/her to be.

Our background is mainly dependent on the lessons of the Bible, individual Experiences and Revelations received.

Your Contribution as our most cherished priced jewel and targeted heart is warmly welcome. Be a part of the Jesus Revolution in this end time and a blessing both to you and the generations yet to come and not seen.

Once again, welcome to CMA TotalMan as we explore wonderful life changing articles posted by you and I.….Enjoy the ride.

#CMA TotalMan Concept.

Thursday, 13 February 2014


Which one should we ask, pray and desire for the most? - The Fruits of the Holy Spirit or the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.


  1. Well for me i think i would pray and desire for the fruits most because you can have the gifts(healing,prophecy,teaching,interpretation....) and would not be able to operate in it as God would want you because you dont have the fruit(love,joy,peace,long suffering...) and u end up failing in your operation of that gift.Let me make this example.You have the gift of healing but you dont have that heart to see people well or are not that caring person,in this case you need the fruit of love,long suffering to operate your gift to your full maximum.

  2. Yeahh...I think that's a pretty fair way of looking at it but am quite sure there are other reasons why others would prefer the Gifts to the Fruits. Having the gift of the Word of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Discernment are very crucial to living a very fulfilled life as a Christian. And in some ways might give a grounds in living the Fruits...
